Like someone once said in a song, "What a long, strange trip it has been." I remember music being something special for, well, as long as I remember. My Grandparent's Classical records. My Parent's Big Band & early Rock & Roll. "Tell it to the Marines." My older sister's eclectic record collection. That 9 transistor®™ radio that went everywhere with you. WJR, WXYZ, WKNR, CKLW, WRIF & WABX. The Beatles, Rolling Stones & The Who. Mo Town. The Frost, Stoogies & MC5. Black Sabbath, ELP & Chicago. Johnny Cash, Roger Miller & The Statler Brothers. The segue from "She Loves You, Ya, Ya, Ya" to "Power to the People."
Learning to play. Trumpet in Jr. High School. Tuba and Bass Guitar in High School. Concert & Jazz Bands in College. And gigging. Lots & lots of gigging. Hard Rock covers through out Mid & Upper Michigan during College. Rock, Punk, Fusion & Jazz and an occasional Bluegrass or Country gig (Ask me about that cold day in Hell!) in and around Detroit in the late 70s, early 80s. Reggae, Rock, Country & Island Music in the Florida Keys in the mid to late 80s. Back to Metro Detroit to play The Blues. A few years in Elgin, IL then back again to Michigan with a bit of touring about the US & Canada. And Here I Am.